Sunday, 15 May 2011

Six Degrees Above Busy.

Once again, it's been a horribly long time since the last blog update. The update process wasn't accessible last week, and until then it's just been hectic. So what we've been busy with...

For the past week, we've been in with Imitating The Dog Theatre Company working on their new show Six Degrees Below The Horizon, which is to be shown, featuring ourselves, at the Nuffield Theatre, Lancaster, on the 10th June, and then The West Yorkshire Playhouse on the 15th/16th, which is going to be a brilliant show, which anybody should get down to if they can. It's all about sailors, pimps, barflies, chorus girls and nightclub singers, and is the 'story' of a dying man, told through ITD's innovative stage design (by Laura Hopkins) and captivating visuals. As a company, we've just been helping out with the devising, throwing our two pence in here and there, learning what we can from them. They've been around for much longer than we have, and it's great to see how they work. In other other-company related news, we should be meeting up with Proto-Type theatre again soon to finish up the details of the scheme - September onwards. Our main query being where to base the company, Manchester or Lancaster, whilst we tour My Canary's Name is Daniel, and sort out our place in the world. We'll also be looking in to our next show then. No details, really, but we've been talking about possibly re-visiting an old piece of work, and reshaping it in to a touring piece.

Daniel  is coming along as a show. We had a bit of a break, due to personal reasons, but we seem to be making some good progress in our heads as to how we want the piece to come out, and what we want it to be. We'll be back in to the rehearsal space tomorrow morning, bright and early, to begin the final stages of making the show. We performed a twenty-five minute version of the show to a small, select audience as a work-in-progress feedback session, just before our 'break', and we'll be taking the feedback from that in to consideration as we go through our last two month stretch of creation. 

Just as a note, be sure to keep an eye out for the Process at Play festival which is taking place in September, and it's where we'll be premièring the show. It'll also feature works from Lowri Jones, a contemporary dance artist, Joanna Wood, an abstract painter, and Marcus Lilley, a trans-media artist. There's a facebook group here. Also, if you haven't already, go find our Facebook group too.

I'll keep you updated with any new news.

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